Thursday, December 22, 2011

Introductions and purpose

Hello, my name is Justin. I am a social worker (MSW), and I have just begun making plans to open a private therapy practice. I have no license in the state I now live in, and I have no business experience whatsoever. Nevertheless, I am excited about my prospects!

2012 will be my Year of Practicing Privately. And, if all goes well, so will the years after 2012, too.

Purpose of this Blog

But I am also daunted by the process. How do you go about doing this? A lot of therapists started out when there were different licensure laws on the books, and when insurance authorization wasn't such a big deal. How does one get nuts-and-bolts advice on where to start?

Without many peers to get advice from, I went to the web in search of blogs or articles about the process of starting a private practice. I couldn't find anything.

Yes, there are books, and a few good "how to" blogs; I'll certainly be making use of them. But I wanted something more practical, more down-to-earth: What is it really like? What weird challenges do you run into along the way? (I've got a few technical questions about licensing that I can't find the answers to anywhere). I wanted a description of the
process - the ups and the downs - not just the end result.

I couldn't find anything like that, so I thought I'd start it myself. Why not? Maybe it will motivate me, and help me brainstorm new ideas; maybe it will help others who are going through the same process; maybe I can get some advice from you, readers! Because I am no expert; I'm the opposite of an expert. This isn't a
guide to starting a private practice; it is a story of starting a private practice: at least it will be if all goes according to plan (if not, it will be a story of not starting a private practice).

So, if you are interested, please keep an eye on my progress!

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